Having Jon Ezekiel as my personal trainer has positively impacted my life, both physically and mentally. Jon has trained me for the past two years, getting me prepared for division one field hockey at Boston College. He has trained me to become faster, stronger, and mentally fit, putting me at an advantage over other incoming freshman. I can honestly say I was in the best shape of my life after working with him. Upon receiving my training packet for preseason from BC, I became overwhelmed and went straight to Jon for training and advice. He calmed me down and helped me immediately. He even ran with me for better competition so I could work to the best of my ability. Jon taught me the correct way to use the machines and gave me tips on the extra things I could do to help better my speed which is a major factor in the sport of field hockey. In this process Jon was also there for me mentally. He pushed me when the time was appropriate knowing I could work harder and encouraged me to take it to the next level. Jon also knew when I reached my limit and never once pushed me to where I might hurt myself, knowing that I had much to lose where BC was concerned. I can’t say enough positive things about Jon, I love working with him. He is always upbeat, personable, and always smiling. His being positive made my grueling training process a lot more enjoyable and easier to get through. He gets the job done in the time he tells you is needed, and always makes his clients look and feel good both physically and mentally.
-Catherine O'Brien